With our mobile studio option, we often find ourselves travelling across the Perth metro area. A lot of this travel is covered by our flat mobile rate; suburbs external to this zone will have an additional travel fee apply, depending on the zone they are located in. We have decided to outline below the service area zones and the suburbs belonging to each. Please have a look at the service area zones listed below, if your suburb does not appear, please use an adjacent one that is listed.
Please note that the information below is to give you a guide of where your suburb may lie, some suburbs sit on the edge or between zones. If your suburb is an edge suburb, your address may sit in the next zone and that travel fee may apply. We will advise you of your address’s zones and its associated travel fee at time of enquiry.
If you are new to Perth, or are unsure where we are located, you can check our listing on Google Maps here
Flat rate zone
- Armadale
- Atwell
- Aubin Grove
- Banjup
- Brookdale
- Camillo
- Canning Vale
- Cockburn central
- Forrestdale
- Gosnells
- Hammond Park
- Harrisdale
- Haynes
- Hilbert
- Huntingdale
- Jandakot
- Kelmscott
- Leeming
- Martin
- Parkwood
- Piara Waters
- Seville Grove
- Southern River
- Success
- Thornlie
- Treeby
- Wandi
- Willetton
Zone 1
- Anketell
- Beckenham
- Beeliar
- Booragoon
- Bull creek
- Byford
- Cannington
- East Cannington
- Ferndale
- Kardinya
- Kenwick
- Maddington
- Mount Nasura
- Mount Richon
- Murdoch
- North Lake
- Oakford
- Orange Grove
- Riverton
- Rossmoyne
- Shelley
- South Lake
- Wilson
- Winthrop
- Yangebup
Zone 2
- Applecross
- Ardross
- Attadale
- Bedfordale
- Bentley
- Bertram
- Bicton
- Burswood
- Canning Mills
- Cardup
- Carlisle
- Casuarina
- Cloverdale
- Como
- Coogee
- East Fremantle
- East Victoria Park
- Forrestfield
- Fremantle
- Hamilton Hill
- Hope Valley
- Kensington
- Kewdale
- Lathlain
- Lesmurdie
- Melville
- Myaree
- North Coogee
- O’Connor
- Palmyra
- Queens Park
- Rivervale
- Roleystone
- South Fremantle
- Spearwood
- Victoria Park
- Wattle Grove
- Wattleup
- Welshpool
Zone 3
- Ascot
- Ashendon
- Ashfield
- Bassendean
- Bayswater
- Belmont
- Bertram
- Cardup
- Claremont
- Cottesloe
- Daglish
- Dalkeith
- High Wycombe
- Leda
- Medina
- Mosman Park
- Mount Claremont
- Nedlands
- North Perth
- Parmelia
- Perth
- Pickering Brook
- Shenton Park
- Wellard
- Whitby
Zone 4
- Balcatta
- Baldivis
- Bedford
- Beechboro
- Bickley
- Churchlands
- Cooloongup
- Darlington
- Dianella
- Doubleview
- Eden Hill
- Embleton
- Greenmount
- Hazelmere
- Helena Valley
- Inglewood
- Innaloo
- Jarrahdale
- Kalamunda
- Kiara
- Lockridge
- Mardella
- Menora
- Midland
- Midvale
- Morley
- Mount Hawthorn
- Nollamara
- Noranda
- Osborne Park
- Rockingham
- Safety Bay
- Serpentine
- Shoalwater
- South Guildford
- Tuart Hill
- Waikiki
- Warnbro
- Wembley Downs
- Woodbridge
- Woodlands
- Yokine
Zone 5
- Alexander Heights
- Balga
- Ballajura
- Bennett Springs
- Brabham
- Carine
- Dayton
- Glen Forrest
- Gwelup
- Henley Brook
- Herne Hill
- Hopeland
- Jane Brook
- Karnup
- Karrinyup
- Marangaroo
- Mirrabooka
- Mundaring
- North Beach
- Port Kennedy
- Red Hill
- Scarborough
- Serpentine
- Stirling
- Stratton
- Trigg
- Warnbro
- West Swan
Zone 6
- Aveley
- Baskerville
- Beldon
- Brigadoon
- Chidlow
- Connolly
- Craigie
- Darch
- Duncraig
- Edgewater
- Ellenbrook
- Gnangara
- Golden Bay
- Heathridge
- Hillarys
- Hocking
- Jandabup
- Kallaroo
- Keralup
- Kingsley
- Lakelands
- Landsdale
- Lexia
- Madeley
- Madora Bay
- Marmion
- Millendon
- Mount Helena
- Mullaloo
- Mundaring
- Myara
- Padbury
- Parkerville
- Pearsall
- Sawyers Valley
- Secret Harbour
- Sinagra
- Singleton
- Sorrento
- Stake Hill
- Stoneville
- The Vines
- Upper Swan
- Wangara
- Wanneroo
- Woodvale
Zone 7
- Alkimos
- Ashby
- Bailup
- Banksia Grove
- Banksiadale
- Bullsbrook
- Burns Beach
- Butler
- Carramar
- Chidlow
- Clarkson
- Dudley Park
- Erskine
- Fairbridge
- Falcon
- Flint
- Flynn
- Furnissdale
- Gidgegannup
- Greenfields
- Halls Head
- Iluka
- Jindalee
- Joondalup
- Kinross
- Malmalling
- Mandurah
- Meadow Springs
- Melaleuca
- Merriwa
- Mindarie
- Mount Cooke
- Nambeelup
- Neerabup
- North Dandalup
- North Yunderup
- Nowergup
- Oakley
- Ocean Reef
- Pinjar
- Pinjarra
- Quinns Rocks
- Ravenswood
- Solus
- South Yunderup
- Tamala Park
- Tapping
- The Lakes
- Whittaker
- Wooroloo
- Woottating
Zone 8
For all other suburbs outside of zones 1-7, please enquire with us for availability and we will advise you the travel fee amount.